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Hello All,
Come hang out with Odds on Thursday for brunch, or lunch. Play games, do puzzles, read, listen to music, make music, and just talk with Odds about our Odd life. It’s a gathering space opened by The Nevada City Odd Fellows, join us. Bring your lunch or drinks and just relax.
Open to all levels of experience, the Nevada City Contact Improv Class and Jam is a place to learn, explore, connect, create and play.
Practiced within groups of curious individuals, Contact Improvisation (CI) is a unique partner dance form in which shared points of physical contact provide the starting place for interactive movement improvisation and exploration.
11am – Mixed level Contact Improv class
11:50 – Opening circle
12pm – Guided practice leading into open jamming
1:30pm – Closing circle
Class and jam: $15-20
Jam only: $10-15

Hello All,
Come hang out with Odds on Thursday for brunch, or lunch. Play games, do puzzles, read, listen to music, make music, and just talk with Odds about our Odd life. It’s a gathering space opened by The Nevada City Odd Fellows, join us. Bring your lunch or drinks and just relax.