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ABSRACT ART EXHIBIT agriculture alasdair fraser art art as existence art burning man art metal art art reception artist reception artist reception wild and scenic film festival arts author barbe chambliss benefit benefit concert BioRhythms book signing author brightside blue Brunch ceilidh class class workshop music fiddle community music concert concert music corned beef curious forge Dance dance music swing dance cousin cricket kenny crickets dancing debate braver angels discussion environmental art exhibit exhibition existential art felix gillet nursery fiber fiber arts fiddle fiddle camp film festival flower art fun music gallery genetic historic fruits headquarters wsff heirloom incendio music concert irish food irish music kvmr memorial MONAD App Program music music singer songwriter nature photography nevada city odd fellows benefit nevada city oddfellows benefit nuts Oneoff Event open mic Peacemakers photography PLAYING MUSIC poetry book author reception ritual concert river rock climbing films singer singing solstice song circle songwreiter songwriters st paddy's story Story telling stout trees vision quest voice class who are we wild and scenic film festival women women in music rita hosking women music womens art young artists youth youth art youth artist youth artists
Mar 29 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
At the Seven Stars Gallery: March 29th 4-6pm Glen Garrod will be reading/signing his newly published book, “Missouri & Me, A Poker Odyssey”.Saturday,March 29 at the 7 Stars Gallery4pm til 6pm.The book tells of the life of professional poker players as told through poker stories. The reader will meet many unique, one-of-a-kind individuals that play the game of poker, the book will take you on road trips around the country, expose you to the incredible World Series of Poker and sit you down right at the table in the Big Game, the biggest money game in the history of Reno and Lake Tahoe.For more details and information go to: missouriandme.com
Mar 30 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Barbe Chambliss, formerly a trauma therapist, is a mediator, grows organic apples, and is the author of the book, Women Peacemakers: What We Have To Learn From Them. The book tells the stories of fifteen ordinary women doing extraordinary acts of peacemaking that Barbe interviewed as she zigzagged the globe.
Her Ph.D. dissertation, entitled Contemporary Women Peacemakers: The Hidden Side of Peacemaking, ignited three decades of interviews with over 60 women across the world exploring the nuts and bolts of how peace is actually made.
Book Signing Meet the Author Special Event
author barbe chambliss Peacemakers
Apr 16 @ 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Join in a open forum community discussion group focusing on Nevada City issues and beyond in our greater community.
Held in the Odd Fellows Seven Stars Gallery and Gathering Place.
Discussion Groups