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ABSRACT ART EXHIBIT agriculture alasdair fraser art art as existence art burning man art exhibition art metal art art reception artist reception artist reception wild and scenic film festival arts benefit benefit concert BioRhythms black and white book signing author brightside blue Brunch ceilidh class class workshop music fiddle community music concert concert music corned beef curious forge Dance dance music swing dance cousin cricket kenny crickets dancing debate braver angels discussion environmental art exhibit exhibition existential art felix gillet nursery fiber fiber arts fiddle fiddle camp film festival flower art fun music gallery genetic historic fruits headquarters wsff heirloom incendio music concert irish food irish music kim rogers kvmr memorial MONAD App Program music music singer songwriter nature photography nevada city odd fellows benefit nevada city oddfellows benefit nuts Oneoff Event open mic photography PLAYING MUSIC poetry book author reception ritual concert river rock climbing films singer singing solstice song circle songwreiter songwriters st paddy's story Story telling stout trees vision quest voice class who are we wild and scenic film festival women women in music rita hosking women music womens art young artists youth youth art youth artist youth artists
Open to all levels of experience, the Nevada City Contact Improv Class and Jam is a place to learn, explore, connect, create and play.
Practiced within groups of curious individuals, Contact Improvisation (CI) is a unique partner dance form in which shared points of physical contact provide the starting place for interactive movement improvisation and exploration.
11am – Mixed level Contact Improv class
11:50 – Opening circle
12pm – Guided practice leading into open jamming
1:30pm – Closing circle
Class and jam: $15-20
Jam only: $10-15

The April Exhibition at Seven Stars Gallery, “Art and Artists of the Foothill Theatre Company, is an appreciative and honoring retrospective of the works of two artists, Ralph Fetterly and George Cloud for the Foothill Theatre Company.
The FTC was founded in 1977-2009 by Diane Fetterly, together with Bruce and Leslie West to provide a vibrant professional theater company for Nevada County.
Based in Nevada City, at that time a small and charming foothill town, which now, 30 years later can’t be called small, but still manages to be charming,
the group brought together an extraordinary and enthusiastic group of talented actors, costume designers, set designers and builders, prop makers, lighting technicians, musicians and
volunteers to present ambitious productions of Shakespeare, The Hobbit, Lion Witch and Wardrobe and other more serious works in the theater repertory, winning many awards and a
place in Nevada County’s arts history as a springboard and a standard setter for many subsequent theater company’s excellent productions.
Ralph Fetterly, Diane’s husband, provided elegant set designs and George Cloud designed most of the colorful and iconic poster art for the FTC’s 30-year existence.
The phenomenon of the big theater in the small town wouldn’t have been the same without the talent and dedication of these two artists and gentlemen
Exhibition reception will be on Sunday April 14th 4-7pm
Refreshments will be served at the Gallery 210 Spring St. Nevada City
The Seven Stars gallery is owned and operated as a fraternal public benefit by The Nevada City Odd Fellows. For more information on this event and all events happening go to www.nevadacityoddfellows.com Calendar of Events.
Youth Artist Showing for April 2024: Alex Hubbert
Artist Reception Friday April 12th 6:30-9:30PM Seven Stars Gallery
Alex Hubbert is a 15-year-old self-taught artist whose creative journey began at a young age. From the earliest days of childhood, Alex’s passion for art burned brightly, fueled by an innate curiosity and a desire to express themself in vibrant, thought- provoking ways. At the heart of Alex’s artistic vision lies a deep desire to provoke thought and evoke emotion. Each piece they create serves as a canvas for exploration, inviting viewers to delve into the depths of their imagination and engage with the world in new and unexpected ways, both profound and personal.
The April Exhibition at Seven Stars Gallery, “Art and Artists of the Foothill Theatre Company, is an appreciative and honoring retrospective of the works of two artists, Ralph Fetterly and George Cloud for the Foothill Theatre Company.
The FTC was founded in 1977-2009 by Diane Fetterly, together with Bruce and Leslie West to provide a vibrant professional theater company for Nevada County.
Based in Nevada City, at that time a small and charming foothill town, which now, 30 years later can’t be called small, but still manages to be charming,
the group brought together an extraordinary and enthusiastic group of talented actors, costume designers, set designers and builders, prop makers, lighting technicians, musicians and
volunteers to present ambitious productions of Shakespeare, The Hobbit, Lion Witch and Wardrobe and other more serious works in the theater repertory, winning many awards and a
place in Nevada County’s arts history as a springboard and a standard setter for many subsequent theater company’s excellent productions.
Ralph Fetterly, Diane’s husband, provided elegant set designs and George Cloud designed most of the colorful and iconic poster art for the FTC’s 30-year existence.
The phenomenon of the big theater in the small town wouldn’t have been the same without the talent and dedication of these two artists and gentlemen
Exhibition reception will be on Sunday April 14th 4-7pm
Refreshments will be served at the Gallery 210 Spring St. Nevada City
The Seven Stars gallery is owned and operated as a fraternal public benefit by The Nevada City Odd Fellows. For more information on this event and all events happening go to www.nevadacityoddfellows.com Calendar of Events.
The April Exhibition at Seven Stars Gallery, “Art and Artists of the Foothill Theatre Company, is an appreciative and honoring retrospective of the works of two artists, Ralph Fetterly and George Cloud for the Foothill Theatre Company.
The FTC was founded in 1977-2009 by Diane Fetterly, together with Bruce and Leslie West to provide a vibrant professional theater company for Nevada County.
Based in Nevada City, at that time a small and charming foothill town, which now, 30 years later can’t be called small, but still manages to be charming,
the group brought together an extraordinary and enthusiastic group of talented actors, costume designers, set designers and builders, prop makers, lighting technicians, musicians and
volunteers to present ambitious productions of Shakespeare, The Hobbit, Lion Witch and Wardrobe and other more serious works in the theater repertory, winning many awards and a
place in Nevada County’s arts history as a springboard and a standard setter for many subsequent theater company’s excellent productions.
Ralph Fetterly, Diane’s husband, provided elegant set designs and George Cloud designed most of the colorful and iconic poster art for the FTC’s 30-year existence.
The phenomenon of the big theater in the small town wouldn’t have been the same without the talent and dedication of these two artists and gentlemen
Exhibition reception will be on Sunday April 14th 4-7pm
Refreshments will be served at the Gallery 210 Spring St. Nevada City
The Seven Stars gallery is owned and operated as a fraternal public benefit by The Nevada City Odd Fellows. For more information on this event and all events happening go to www.nevadacityoddfellows.com Calendar of Events.