How to Join our Lodge

How to become a Member in Oustomah  Lodge #16

Nevada City CA I.O.O.F.

The process and journey to becoming an Odd Fellow is fun!

Who and What are the Odd Fellows? To learn more read this brief summary:   What Is Odd Fellowship

Becoming an Odd Fellow member of our lodge and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.)  involves being a part of a fraternal order of Friendship, Love and Truth. Our mission is to steward the historical building (built in 1873) in the heart of Nevada City, while providing community services that will elevate all in our community and beyond.

Nevada City Odd Fellows Lodge Protocol for Initiation Applications

To assure a reasonable period of time for members of the Lodge and applicants for membership to the Lodge to get to know one another, all Oustomah Lodge Members shall follow the Protocol below for the processing of applications for a vote by the Lodge for Membership.

You can download the following protocols here: Nevada City Odd Fellows Lodge Protocol for Initiation Applications-v1.1

PROTOCOL for Membership

  1. Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Lodge by the sponsor, only on the form prescribed for that purpose and shall be read at the next Lodge business meeting. Once read at a meeting, the applicant shall be considered a pledge of this lodge. The application shall then be given to the Chair of the Interviewing Committee.
  2. All applicants must have a sponsor. A member of the Lodge shall not sponsor more than two (2) pledges at one time.
  3. At the time an application is submitted, the Interview Committee shall assure that every pledge’s sponsor shall be a member of the Lodge in good standing who shall have been a member for at least one year. The sponsor shall guide the pledge in an understanding of Odd Fellowship and shall actively introduce the pledge to members of the Lodge.
  4. The minimum pledge period between the reading of the application and the vote on membership shall be at least three (3) months, and not more than six (6) months.
  5. Each pledge during the pledge period should attend a minimum of two informal business meetings and shall give active participation in six events of the Lodge. Business meetings occur on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Pledges check with your sponsor to find out if the meeting is “formal” or “informal”.
  6. Each pledge during the pledge period is encouraged to volunteer to attend at least one Lodge committee.
  7. Each pledge shall be introduced to all elected officers and Trustees. In addition, during the pledge period, each pledge shall meet and interact with at least five other members of the Lodge.
  8. When the pledge has fulfilled the above membership requirements, their sponsor shall notify the Interview Committee. The Interview Committee shall interview each pledge within 60 days and make a recommendation of membership to the Lodge, at the first business meeting following their interview.
  9. If during the business meeting the Interview Committee makes an affirmative recommendation of a pledge, Lodge members shall vote on their admission. Any pledge who receives an affirmative majority vote of the members of the Lodge is entitled to be initiated. The sponsor shall notify the pledge of the vote.
  10. Initiations shall be scheduled on dates that the Lodge directs based on the number of pledges ready for initiation.

We wish you well on your journey all in Friendship, Love and Truth.

See you at the lodge!


Friendship, Love, and Truth