Category Archives: Seven Stars Gallery
Wednesday 20 September 6-8 PM In the Seven Stars Gallery: Bottom Up Nevada City community discussion: Policing Nevada City
This month’s topic is community policing. Police Chief Dan Foss will be there to talk about his ideas of community policing, followed by a discussion on this topic.
Friday September 29 from 3 to 5 in the Seven Stars Gallery: Nick Tomb signs his new graphic novel
Saturday September 9 from 10 to 5 in the Seven Stars Gallery: a one-day benefit for Maui relief
Saturday September 30, 5-8 PM in the Odd Fellows Hall: A Benefit concert for Uma Shungo Ecuadorian Midwives
Friday September 22, 7-9:30 in the Seven Stars Gallery: The Earbuds in Concert
They often surprise themselves with the songs that pop up.
6-9 PM Friday September 8 in the Seven Stars Gallery Artists Reception for Paint and Clay
with the contemplative guitar and keyboard music of George Schroder and Quantum Kreilkamp. Wine and delicacies will be served.
September 10 in the Seven Stars Gallery: a poetry reading featuring Tim Kahl, Gene Berson and Iven Lourie
September 1 to 30 in the Seven Stars Gallery: Paint and Clay featuring 6 multi-media artists
Biographies Of Olander, Scanlan and Tynowyn